sábado, 4 de agosto de 2012

Ação imediata!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Esta situação requer nossa AÇÃO IMEDIATA.
O laboratório Novartis está tentando "importar" o que devem considerar um "lote" de primatas para experiências macabras na Itália neste exato momento. Por 2 vezes voltou atrás, por falta de quem se prestasse a embarcá-los.
POR FAVOR, envie este E-MAIL ao provável "transportador", a Phoenix Air:
Envie seu e-mail para: 
mthompson@phoenixair.com, charter@phoe
nixair.com, info@phoenixair.com

Director of Phoenix Air:
Mark H. Thompson
Phoenix Air Group, Inc.
100 Phoenix Air Drive SW
Cartersville, GA 30120

mthompson@phoenixair.com, charter@phoenixair.com, info@phoenixair.com

Títulos possíveis: Do NOT fly animals for vivissection, We are watching closely the decisions you make, You surely do NOT want to be on our black list, Please join other ethical companies,

Carta-modelo em inglês:

Dear Mr. Thompson,
Director of Phoenix Air
Mark H. Thompson
Phoenix Air Group, Inc.
100 Phoenix Air Drive SW
Cartersville, GA 30120

Dear Mr. Thompson,

I came to know that Phoenix Air Group was recently contracted by Novartis to transport a group of non-human primates from Barbados to Italy. The animals were destined for laboratory experimentation.

I urge you to dissociate Phoenix Air Group from the cruelty and suffering of the international trade in primates by refusing to transport primates destined for the research industry.

Each year, on the islands of Barbados and St. Kitts & Nevis, hundreds of green/vervet monkeys are torn from their families and forest homes and either exported directly for biomedical research or imprisoned on farms to produce offspring to be exported to laboratories around the world.

Once wild and free, these sensitive and intelligent animals end their lives in laboratories where pain and suffering are routine.

There are an increasing number of airlines that were once carriers of primates, but which now refuse to transport primates for the research industry.

Airlines that have made this compassionate decision include leading cargo airlines such as Lufthansa Cargo, Cargolux and DHL Aviation, as well as the major airlines American Airlines, Delta Airlines, United Airlines, US Airways, British Airways, Korean Air and Caribbean Airlines.

The above mentioned companies __ that work with ethics __ are bound to count on consumers' preference.

Sure that we will understand our reasons and act accordingly, to your own advantage as well,


(seu nome e país)


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